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2023 Brown Family getaway

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so glad you could join us!

It's been a while since we've come together as a family outside of Fredrick and Leeann's house, so we are super excited to plan this getaway. So much has changed through the years, and our lives have taken some pretty interesting turns. Collectively we can agree that things can change within the blink of an eye, and most of the time the change is unforeseen. With this in mind, what better time to connect, reminisce, love on each other, and have some fun in the process!

The People have spoken!!

Gulf Shores, AL

The votes are in, and Gulf Shores, AL will be the destination for out 2023 family trip. The dates of the trip are Friday, September 1, 2023 - Monday, September 4, 2023. Now it's time to plan, and the first step is deciding on lodging. Weigh in on whether you prefer a hotel or Air BnB by Sunday, 6/25.